hamster-eats-carrotYou’re in enemy territory, girl.

Hurricanes demolish cities, pilots fly into buildings in the name of Allah, evil men hurt little girls.

So what should you do?

Continue to believe God is good and in control.


No one said faith would be easy.


God deepened my faith by way of unlikely critter: Hammy.

Hammy the hamster was “mommied” by Laura, my first child. I got the fun job: cleaning the cage.

While I wiped kitchen counters one evening, I heard a voice in my heart, “Check on the hamster.”


“Check on the hamster!”

Huh? Is this you, God?

Again, “Check on the hamster.”

Whoa, now I’m losing it.

I thought, “If this is God, that’s a weird thing to say,” and “In any case, I’d better go check on the hamster

to get the voice out of my head.”

So I trudged to the lower level of our tri-level where Hammy lived, and I stopped dead.

Buring wire!

 At this point, after hearing voices, I needed a second opinion. “Steve, couldya come hear for a sec?”

My husband assured me he smelled burning wire too. We began touching the walls and found a hot spot under the fuse box.


a 911 call

a reassuring conversation with our daughter before the fire trucks arrived, and a party on the streets. Nothing brings out good neighbors on a summer’s eve like three gleaming red fire trucks.

The fire chief later told me we would have had a full-blown fire within days if not sooner had we not called.

I believe in my heart that our house would have gone up in flames that very night while we slept if I had not checked on “the hamster.”

Thank you, God.

By the way, Hammy was fine and the recipient of many extra sunflowers seeds, his favorite snack.

It’s easy to feel all alone, unprotected, and vulnerable in enemy territory. Many things stir up fear like news of school shootings, date rape, child abductions and a whole lot worse.

So what should you do?

Our lives are in God’s hands. What we encounter is no surprise to him. Sometimes he protects us from harm. Sometimes he allows it.

Will you dare to believe God is good and in control?

Even in enemy territory.

Question: How has God shown his goodness to you?

You Are Loved,


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