BETH DEVELOPS Bible studies and shares what she has learned with hundreds of women. This is her heart’s passion.

Kim teaches Sunday school to preschoolers, showing them the love of God through simple Bible stories, songs and Jesus “tea parties.”

Deb has a decorative flair. She beautifies the worship center at Christmas and Easter, making it inviting to all who enter.

Tanya paints walls and ceilings as well as a professional. She helps her church in practical ways.

There are synonyms for “heart’s passion.” It has been called one’s burden and one’s calling. It is the thing that excites you and moves you to action.

When you know your heart’s passion, you will experience fulfillment because you’re joining God in the work he has for you.

Not sure of your calling? Reflect on these questions:

The one thing I’d change in the world would be:


I’m drawn to help people who:


Other Christians tell me I’m particularly good at:


Now check the people groups or topics that tug at your heart:

____ homeless people

____ women who’ve had abortions

____ impoverished families

____ healthy marriages

____ rebellious youth

____ teen pregnancies

____ substance abusers

____ teaching others (what age? ___)

____ the elderly

____ young moms

____ the ill

____ women in emotional pain

____ praising God through song, drama or dance

____ praying for others

____ helping out wherever needed

____ writing to communicate God’s truth and love

____ using graphic arts to exalt God

____ making others feel welcome at church or in a home

____ prisoners

____ Other: _______________

If you still have questions about your calling, consider tough times in your life. Many people discover that God uses their past to help others. For instance, a woman whose parents had a difficult marriage or who divorced may have a heart’s passion to help children from broken families. Another woman whose father made the military his career may deeply desire to counsel wives of servicemen deal with loneliness.

Probably the best ways to discern your heart’s passion is trying a variety of ministry experiences and discover the ones in which you:

  • Are the most fulfilled.
  • Seem to be the most effective.
  • Receive affirmation from other Christians.

You will discover your heart’s passion! And when you do: Watch out world!

Got a moment? Leave a comment and share your heart’s passion, so others who follow this blog may be encouraged! Thanks.

You Are Beautiful, Lucy 

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