at-warIt is a well-known fact among men that women


at times,

be moody.

Men don’t get us. Even married guys don’t get their wives.

Really, how hard can it be?

If you could see me now, my mischievous smile (think: Cheshire cat) and wink would tell you I’m kidding.

But you knew that already.

Because you’ve been there.

I’m comfortable with crazy. The Hubs is not. I think he thinks I’m two Romaine leaves short of a Caesar salad. Bad joke. 🙂

He’d use other words:

All meant lovingly.

Of course.

Didya see that wink again?

“Why are you slamming cabinet doors, Lucy. You’ll break the hinges.”

So you care more about stupid hinges than my feelings.


“Don’t you think you’re overreacting.”


No, I’m not overreacting.


I hurt. I can’t be a robot like you. Just because I feel emotions, Mr. Robot, doesn’t mean I’m weak or volatile or PMSing.

It means I’m real


I’m sick of stuffing emotions because stuffing emotions makes me sick

and I want to be whole

and hugged.

I need a sense of belonging.


Question: What about you? Do you need a hug?


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