Or, I could say, who or what is the most important person or thing in your life?

If you’re crazy honest, you’d probably say you think YOU are most important. The way you act and respond, how you treat others and why, which concerns top your list — they’re mostly about you, right?

The One who knows our twisted tendencies to forget him, forget others, forget our nation, and to elevate self, He gave us the royal command and repeated it. Several times.

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10.27)

God, yes. Others, yes. You? Not so much. God knows you and I are selfish at heart.

With this in mind, may I ask you something? How all you celebrating this Monday.

Celebrating Memorial Day?

It’s Memorial Day, the day Americans remember the men and women in the Armed Forces who died for our freedom. Thank God for them, will you? Remember their families, please.

Especially the girls without a daddy to exclaim, “You look pretty in your prom dress.”

Especially the boys without a mom to say, “You’re growing up into a fine young man. I’m proud to be your mom.”

Words never said. Six feet under.

This weekend when you thump watermelons for your picnic, please say a prayer for the courageous men and women who are right now, this very instant, putting their lives on the line for you and your Memorial Day, a great day for grilling, a party day signaling the start of summer, a perfect day to remember.

Pray for the families of the fallen, too. Here’s the poignant  photo. It’s been around the web and I  don’t know who snapped it. Look close.

A 1,000-Word Photo














I pray that when you and I go about our Monday, we remember.

photo credit: Darwin Bell via photopin cc
Blessings of Hope!


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