Your ever-loving God never meant for YOU to follow the 10 Commandments. Here’s why.

OK, I’m stepping on toes. The blog title gives away the content of this post so if you want to quit reading now. . .well, you’ll miss the truth.

You know the 10 Commandments, at least the biggies, Do Not Murder. . .Do Not Steal. . .Do Not Lie. . .Honor Your Father and Mother. They sound good, moral, and holy — and they are.

But God never ever intended a child of God (AKA, a Christian, believer, Christ-follower) to follow them for at least 2 reasons:

1. You can’t.

2. They do not bring about holy living.

The 10 Commandments are the cornerstone of the Mosaic Law, which God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. He wrote them on tablets of stone and instructed His chosen people — the Israelites — to follow them. No person except Jesus Christ has ever followed them perfectly, ever.

So why did God give the 10 Commandments? Click HERE to read the rest of this blog at, where I’m at today.

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