31 Days of Friendship {day 8}: Where You go, I’ll Go Too

Ruth and Naomi — a young widow, a grieving mother — tie a knot of unparalleled friendship. Trying to gather up dreams, they hold onto each other and hope.

Pull up a chair, relax, and listen to hope sung by Nichole Nordeman and Amy Grant. 🙂 The lyrics are below.

 “I’m With You”

Love is a hurricane in a blue sky
I didn’t see it coming, never knew why
All the laughter and the dreams
All the memories in between
Washed away in a steady stream

Love is a hunger; a famine in your soul
I thought I planted beauty, but it would never grow.
Now I’m on my hands and knees
trying to gather up my dreams
trying to hold on to anything

And we could shake a fist in times like this
When we don’t understand
Or we could just hold hands

You and me, me and you
Where you go I’ll go too
I’m with you, I’m with you
Until your heart, finds a home
I won’t let you feel alone
I’m with you, I’m with you, with you

You do your best to build a higher wall
To keep love safe from any wrecking ball
When the dust has cleared, we will
See the house that love rebuilds
Guarding beauty that lives here still

It’s you and me, me and you
Where you go I’ll go too
I’m with you, I’m with you
Until your heart, finds a home
I won’t let you feel alone
I’m with you, I’m with you

Who can say I’m left with nothing
When I have all of you, all of you, yeah
In the way you’ve always loved me
I remember. He does too

You and me, me and you
Where you go I’ll go too
I’m with you, I’m with you
Until your heart, finds a home
I won’t let you feel alone
I’m with you, I’m with you
(We’re gonna make it through)

You and me, me and you
Where you go I’ll go too
I’m with you, I’m with you
Until your heart, finds a home
I won’t let you feel alone
I’m with you, I’m with you

With you

Psst. . .did you read day 7 of my 31 days of friendship series: “Can You Name Your First Friend?”

You Are Blessed,


31 days of friendship {day 6}: when a friend thinks the unthinkable

When a friend thinks the unthinkable — I’m talking suicidal thoughts — how can you help? What should you do? Can you really make a difference?

Today’s post for “31 Days of Friendship” gets more than a little heavy. True friendship isn’t a bed of roses, though. . .

unless you count the thorns.

Jesus understands, my friend. He wore the crown that pierced his skin. Now he possesses a crown of life.

I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD!” Psalm 118:17

In the United States, it is estimated that 91 people will take their own life this very day. Perhaps a friend has attempted suicide? Maybe you have struggled with thoughts to end it all and a friend helped you?

Yolanda’s Story

Yolanda Shanks is a suicide attempt survivor. She tells her story in Destined to Live, Despite Me. After swallowing a bottle of pills, she said out loud, “God, if you are real, now is the time to show yourself.” A miraculous rescue and medical intervention saved her physical life. God appointed a new friend — an older Christian lady — to graciously share with her God’s amazing love for her.

Decades later, Yolanda wrote Destined to Live, Despite Me as a resource for others like herself — attempted suicide survivors — who need peace, hope, confidence, and freedom through “deliberate living,” as Yolanda puts it. Here I share an interview with her. Send it along to your friends who need it. Thanks!

An Interview with Yolanda Shanks

What was your purpose for writing and who is the intended audience for Destined To Live, Despite Me?

I thought my intended audience was solely attempted suicide survivors, but as the book progressed, it became clear that absolutely every person has a breaking point. Another’s breaking point just may not manifest itself the same way.

My purpose for writing this book then became to simply use my testimony to assist others, regardless of their story. Assisting others in choosing to deliberately live life in abundance … I am not speaking of an abundance of things or money … but I am speaking of abundant joy, peace, and hope found in Christ Jesus.

You discuss having a breaking point. Will you share more about that?

I definitely had a breaking point. We all do. My particular one is not the important issue. The important issue is … that everyone has one. It can be any emotional event that leaves a person broken and destroyed. For someone else, their breaking point can be:

~ a car accident

~ a divorce after 20 year and the wife has to find a job

~ a child blaming themselves for the divorce

~ financial difficulties

That is why it is so important to understand the signs. Understanding the signs to save your family members, your neighbors, and your friends; obtaining knowledge in order to allow God to use you to help another. I have a list of warning signs on page 131 of the book.

In your book, the stats reveals that suicide is the third leading cause of death in the age group 15 to 24. What message of encouragement would you give to our young people today?

Know WHO you are and WHOSE you are. If I can elaborate, I want our next generation to NOT define themselves by the standard of this world, you know -– not by the cars, clothes, only the tangibles -– let’s consider our whole-man: mind, body, and soul. Chose to use the standard in which God defines you. If you have surrendered your life to Christ, you are His child, a co-heir with Christ. You can stand on all of God’s promises in the Bible because you are sons and daughters of the Creator Himself. So do not walk defeated!

Chose to live this life deliberately – know that each morning you are alive, God has purpose for you.

Suicide should not be an option … it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem! If you’re hurting now, let God love you back to wholeness.

Now if you have not surrendered your life to Christ, I encourage you to not simply dismiss the fact that you are hearing this message right now – God is calling you personally to live this life and the next to come in His presence. Stop dismissing Him.

Will the struggle ever end for people who have survived? Or, is it always a constant that they could fall-back into feeling the hopelessness?

Struggles are a part of life. What matters most, is how we learn respond to life struggles! For anyone still considering suicide, first there has to be an elimination of this mindset as a workable alternative. Assistance is available by contacting a mental health professional or by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

For those who have survived a previous attempt and no longer struggle with thoughts of suicide but continue to live under the guilt and shame associated with their past actions; I am here to say that there is freedom in Christ Jesus! It is time for you to build a spiritual foundation for deliberate living. Pick up my book, learn how to shake off the unnecessary baggage, and gladly receive the Lover of your soul … Jesus Christ … who offers you hope, joy, and peace.

For those who have not considered suicide but are trapped in feelings of constant negativity, pick up my book as well. We are a hurting generation and people who have been hurt tend to hurt others; let’s chose to receive healing.

I am a living proof that one can overcome the battle with feelings of hopelessness to the point of despair.

Where can we find out more about you, your ministry, and your book?

Please visit my website at www.YolandaShanks.com.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for posting the author’s interview on my blog. This blog tour is managed by Christian Speakers Services (ChristianSpeakersServices.com).

A Friendship Question: Do you have a friend who has thought the unthinkable? How have you helped her? Please share and encourage others who read the comments. Thank you.

You Are Blessed!


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