Your first real girlfriend will always hold a special corner in your heart. Can you name your first friend? What made her special to you?

My first real friend — at least the first one I can remember — was Lynda. She lived across the street in a white two-story with a wrap-around porch and a humongous apple tree in the backyard. She had a brother, a sister and a mom who was a minister, which I thought strange. Her mom’s girlfriend lived with them too and shared a bed with the mom, which I counted even stranger.

But what did I know?

A little girl in the early 70’s, I had heard of. . .


Viet Nam,

the Beatles,

and LSD. (Even I knew the real meaning behind the psychedelic “LUCY in the SKY with DIAMONDS” of Fab Four fame.)

But the lesbian lifestyle? No.

And anyway, Lynda and I were too busy crooning to “One Is the Loneliest Number” by Three Dog Night to give the world out there much thought. . .when the world of us mattered most. At least to us. This song cemented our friendship — our two-ness — because, as the lyrics wail:

“One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do
Two can be as bad as one, it’s the loneliest number since the number one.”

As bell-bottomed grade-schoolers even we knew two is better than one. We wiggled our slim hips to the beat of Lynda’s black vinyl 45 and sang at the top of our lungs, declaring our friendship in CAPITAL LETTERS with a heart — not a dot — on the i. A few years later, Lynda moved to New Hampshire. I cried when the U-Haul pulled away from the curb and waved and waved until it reached the end of our block, turned the corner, and disappeared from sight.

Lynda was special to me for many reasons.

What comes to mind first is this: She accepted me just as God made me. A shy, tree-climbing tomboy who couldn’t sing on-key for her life. 🙂

First friends hold a special corner in each of our hearts. Lynda has her corner in mine.

I don’t know whatever happened to her. I pray she is well and knows Jesus as Lord.

Who has a corner in your girlfriend heart?

Psst. . .did you read “When a Friend Thinks the Unthinkable,” Day 6 in my 31 Days of Friendship series? Read it now and be blessed.

A Friendship Question: Who was your first girlfriend? What is something you remember about her? Leave a comment, please. Let us encourage on another.

You Are Blessed!

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