Welcome to Beautiful Warrior Wednesday!

Do you remember the movie Miss Congeniality?

Sandra Bullock plays a bumbling F.B.I. agent who goes undercover to stop a killer prawling the Miss United States pageant. Though transformed from geek to chic, the agent as Miss New Jersey can’t stand makeup or swimsuits of evening gowns or high heels or up-dos.

She’d rather S.I.N.G., or strike the solar plexus, instep, nose and groin. Predictably, she catches the bad guy.

Watch it here or follow this link to watch it on You Tube.

She’s Hollywood’s version of the beautiful warrior.

Diana Scimone is the real thing. She hasn’t beaten up anyone as far as I know. But she has fought mightily against the trafficking of children worldwide. Today people like you are chipping in $9 a piece to help reach $81,000 in one day to benefit’s Born2fly’s campaign to save kids.

It takes inner strength to love God and others. It comes only through the Holy Spirit. On our own we can do nothing.

Nada. Zilch.

“We love because God first loved us” 1 John 4:19. He loves you and me and even. . .Islamic terrorists and child molesters and the kid who called you names in junior high. Yes, even her.

And even child sex slave owners.


Diana demonstrates her love for them by putting them out of business, one strike at a time.

Solar plexis.




Diana Scimone is our first winner of the Most Beautiful Warrior Award! You go, girl.

You Are Beautiful, Lucy

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