Save money on health costs with the WellCard health savings discount card.

This health savings discount card is one more way to help you find whole health wellness.

A tooth, half-missing, nerves on the brink. What’s a grown man — my hubby — to do? Go to the dentist, of course. Obvious, right?

Not so fast. Health costs are painfully high.

Here’s a simple way to obtain a free health discount card. It is not insurance. Think of it as a coupon, where you get a percentage off various health services (doctors, dentists, optometrists, labs) and health products (prescriptions, supplements, home care).

The WellCard

The WellCard is a health discount card I am making available to you, my friends. To get it, you do NOT have to qualify or fill out endless forms. You simply need an access code — which I will give you at no cost (translation: free) — to help you save money.

You can check out the WellCard website here. I encourage you to poke around and see what would help you and your family.

My family has used and saved a couple of hundred dollars on prescriptions AND $150 on dentist bills over a few months.

More on the dentist.

With the access code for the WellCard, my hubby and I could check which providers were in the WellCard network. Not all doctors and dentists are. Sadly neither our family medical doctor nor any within reasonable driving distance are in the network. A bunch of podiatrists, yes. Dr. Tim, no.

But my hubby needed a dentist for his funky tooth. This is when we happy-danced. Though our regular dentist was not in the network, several nearby dentists were. We saved nearly 50 percent — yep, half! — on the cost by talking advantage of the WellCard savings and a promotion for new patients. Hubby has a huge filling and a full tooth. It’s pretty.

What About You?

The WellCard cost me nothing. I have never paid a dime for it. I only save money. It will cost you nothing. A friend blessed me with the access code to obtain savings as well as permission to bless you with it.

When you go the WellCard website, you see “Get Started Today” on the left half of the page. Under it is “New Users” and “click here to get started.” Go ahead and click. Now you see “Step 1: Verify Eligibility” with an empty rectangular box. Type the access code (aka, Group #) into the box.

The access code is LAMOLLGRP. Now type in your information, including your email address and a password you choose. Continue to follow the steps. Finally, print out your card. Keep it in your wallet or another safe place. If you lose it you can simply print out another card. Easy. Simple. I only ask that if you like the WellCard, subscribe to my blog posts and to my eLetter.

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