bargains-aheadI need a hug today. My car heater died, and the outside temp is 19 degrees. My son has a tummy ache and is upstairs, resting. My new job is tiring! Really, who willingly wakes up at 5 a.m.

Oh, yeah, I do.

My emotions are ruling me. Not good. God says I’m supposed to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. I’ve even created a webcast called “Think Well,” so I know what to do but. . .

A recent scene:

“Why are you slamming cabinet doors, Lucy. You’ll break the hinges.”

(My thought: So you care more about stupid hinges than my feelings.)


“Don’t you think you’re overreacting.”


(Another deep thought: No, I’m not overreacting.)


(Another big thought: I hurt. I can’t be a robot like you. Just because I feel emotions, Mr. Robot, doesn’t mean I’m weak or volatile or PMSing.)

It means I’m real and stressed, and I’m behind in my Christmas shopping and decorating. I am thankful for my new job and for my hubby and that my Christmas tree is up, minus the trimmings. 😉

I prayed that God would provide me a job and He did. So why am I tantrumming like a preschooler?

I’m human. (Read: imperfect.)

And I need a hug. From my family, from my friends, from Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for the reminder that you’re the ultimate Hugger. Amen.

Victory truth: Beautiful warriors need hugs. Lots of them. What about you? Do you need a hug today?

P.S. Do you want to watch my webinar “Think Well”? Leave a comment and I’ll send it to one special “winner.”

You Are Loved!

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