This is the third of three posts on food addictions. Got a moment? Leave a comment. Thanks so much.
Coming next: Sex Solutions for the unSexy. : )

donutsTwo hundred seventy-pounds and determined, my mom marched into her first Weight Watchers meeting. She wanted to shake her food addiction. A year later, she weighed 105 pounds less, the size of a whole person.

Her enemy – not her body or her fat cells or her husband but the father of lies (John 8:44) – had tricked her everytime she turned to food for comfort: To have value and meaning and beauty, a woman must be a perfect size 8 or 6 or 4 or 2.


Jesus Christ defines your value. It doesn’t increase or decrease according to a bathroom scale, your income level or the numbers of friends you have on Facebook. In Him you possess inner beauty, the kind that really matters. It is everlasting and true. You are precious because God says so.

I didn’t get it back then. Now I do.

Back then I had a huge body image problem and a food addiction. Like a kid at a carnival, I peered into the fun house mirror and saw someone ugly.


Thunder thighs topped by a head the size of a golf ball.

Like my mom, I had “fat” thinking and counted calories every day, several times a day. . .in search of the perfect body.

greenappleThe truth: The perfect body forever eludes me, you, everyone. Thirty pounds overweight or ten or three or 105 (plus 25) – it makes little difference . Even super models are air-brushed.

So what’s a woman to do? Here are the seven secrets to rid yourself of food addictions:

1. Think well.
2. Speak well.
3. Rest well.
4. Drink well.
5. Dress well.
6. Move well.
7. Eat well.

Did you notice that I placed “eat well” last? This makes little sense to sometime with food problems but is completely in line with God’s Word. God’s purposes never fail, so you won’t fail as long as. . .

. . .you think-speak-rest-drink-dress-and-move well you WILL eat well and experience victory.

You Are Loved, Lucy

P.S. For only $7, you can get my 60-page e-book detailing how to lose weight permanently and dump food addictions of any type. It’s titled Love Yourself Thin, Discover the 7 Secrets to Slim, God’s Way. This is a lifetime investment. You’re worth it! If you don’t like the e-book, I will refund your money. No questions. Go to

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