frustrated-woman-with-crumpled-paperFamilies splinter. Finances sink. Fear creeps.

Where’s the joy?

As Jon and Kate’s divorce looms and Tiger Woods makes news — YUCK! — as foreclosures increase and jobs remain scarce, as fear creeps into your life, your faith may falter.

Are you there now? It’s OK. Honest.

God understands. He gets it. When Jesus sandaled through Judea he felt every emotion: grief, sadness, anguish and peace, joy and contentment.

You are in good company. Think Moses, David, Sarah, Esther, Gideon. Each experienced a crisis of faith.

Then they laughed again.

Yes. After the night the day breaks. After winter, spring blossoms. After a big New Year’s meal, a nap.

May I encourage you to laugh again in 2010? Our Lord knows your needs. He knows how your heart is breaking. He promises to provide — in his way, in his timing.

What do you want God to heal in your life? A family situation? Your finances? Health? Something else?

You Are Loved, Lucy

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