This is the fourth of several posts on Sex Solutions for the UnSexy. Please read the earlier ones too.

holdinghands-1Okay, I gotta be honest.

What I’m about to say will make some readers — possibly you — uncomfortable. We women may nod when a speaker says, “Sex is a gift from God,” but the thought of God

in the bedroom

when the Hubs and you are doing it

may seem unChristian or unladylike

or just plain wrong.

If you grew up in a rigid, narrow religious background, you undoubtedly received messages, spoken or unspoken, about the sinfulness of sex. Even if your parents put sex in positive terms, you got mixed-up signals from the media, especially television, the movies, music and now, of course, the Internet.

Among the false notions:

Sex is the ultimate experience.

Everyone has great sex on the honeymoon.

The more partners, the better lover you’ll be.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

I mean: NOT FUNNY! 

All three statements are lies. And so is another: God has no place in the bedroom.

He does. He designed sex. He made you a sexual being. Sex is made for pleasure. (You probably know that a women’s clitoris has no other function than to provide good sexual sensations. Why oh why would He outfit you and me with pleasure equipment? Oh, yeah, for our pleasure.)

Yet so much goes wrong in the bedroom. This is a future post. 😉

What can you do to help things go right?

1. Thank God for any sexual feelings you experience throughout the day.

2. When you and the Hubs begin to make love, offer a silent prayer thanking Him for the delightful sensations.

3. Acknowledge in your mind and heart that God approves of these exciting feelings.

4. Pray with the Hubs before or even during lovemaking — did I hear a gasp?! — as a way of acknowledging that the enjoyment of sex is part of your Christian life.

Hey, did you know that God is in the bedroom whether you invite Him or not?

So you might as well send Him an invite.

He will RSVP.  

You Are Loved, Lucy 

p.s. Join the conversation and leave a comment on the post or on someone else’s comment. May God continue to bless you as I know he will. Ephesians 1:3

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