. .AND KNOWS your needs. In fact, he promises to give you everything you need. He’s a walking/talking/

thinking/breathing God-man of generosity.


So what about the crazy economy? Some people have lost their homes or jobs; others their 401Ks (or at least a big chunk). Gone are the once-a-month fancy dinners for most people as well as yearly vacations.


The apparent disconnect of generous Jesus and rinky-dink household budgets may have you wondering, “What’s up with that, Lord? Didn’t you feed thousands with two fish and five loaves? Didn’t you heal (for free and with no co-pay!) a paralyzed man, a woman with chronic bleeding, ten lepers and many more folks?”


Yes, yes and yes. “So what about me? Will you meet my needs?”you ask.


Good question. It deserves an answer.


I am completely convinced that Jesus will meet your needs too, because he says he will and he does not lie. Lying is the specialty of the evil one. The Bible identifies him as the father of lies. However, the Lord may not meet your needs the way you think he should. He is far more interested in your spiritual needs than your physical ones.


In crazy times (and all times) the real question is, “Do I believe Jesus?”


Well, do you? Do I?


Do I believe him not only for paying my sin debt on the cross but also for working out every detail of life?


I used to think he was too busy to care about me.


I was wrong.


He cared enough to walk with me through the valley of depression. Years of depression.


And anxiety.


Then I left the valley. Something had died finally.




My unbelief. Don’t get me wrong — I was a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ — but I didn’t believe him moment by moment. Salvation but no joy. Yuck.


Then I changed. Rather God changed me.


What happened to me reminds me of the story in the Bible about the desperate father whose son had a demon. As the boy convulsed, foaming at the mouth, the dad pleaded, “If you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”


Jesus answered, “All things are possible for one who believes.”


I love this next part.

The dad cried out “I believe; help my unbelief!” His statement shows that he wanted to believe yet struggled deeply. How do you think Jesus answered his prayer? I think Jesus helped him believe; it’s his way.


He saw the man’s real need.

He is able.

He cares.

What do you believe?


You Are Loved, Lucy

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