The comparison trap steals your joy. God wants you to have a thankful heart and experience his peace.

Many years ago the Hubs and I bought our first house. We were just 24 and happy. . .even though the place needed an overhaul. Carpenter ants had feasted on the back porch. The roof leaked. The fascia was holey, explaining why a family of raccoons had made a home in our home.

She had to go.

I just wasn’t going to share my home with another female.Once we kicked out the raccoon all was good.

For a little while.

Then on my walks to and from the train station I began noticing other homes: brick homes, big homes, homes with impeccable landscaping. It bugged me that my precious little Cape Cod didn’t measure up.

Into the comparison trap I fell and broke my neck.

At the core of my comparison trap: fear.

You remember the story of Eve and the forbidden fruit. Satan in the form of a serpent – a very chatty serpent – put doubt in Eve’s mind and she believed that God was withholding something good from her and the Hubs. So she chomped.

Bad decision.

The good news is you can replace your fear with faith, your comparisons with confidence. How?

Continually believe God and give thanks to him.


Satan will tempt you to entertain fearful thoughts and to compare.

Remember to whom you belong: GOD. He will supply everything you need.

What is your comparison trap? Please leave a comment. Also visit my website. You’ll find practical helps, complimentary downloads and encouragement. If you’re interested in e-counseling, contact me.

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