question-markHi Beautiful Warriors!
Here’s part 2 of my series on food, God and friendship. Kinda like Eat, Pray, Love (the movie or the book) but without the Brazilian hottie, ashram and pizza. I’ll share a chapter of my eBook Food as True Friend in each post. Here’s the first chaper, “Think Well.” EnJOY.  

1 Think Well

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. . .” Proverbs 23:7 (Amplified)

Ponder this proverb. What does it say to you about your thoughts? They are powerful. So powerful are your thoughts, they can shape you.

If you think badly about yourself, if you have a poor image of God, you will feel crummy and you will look crummy and you will act crummy. . .whatever you weigh. Your negative thinking translates into a negative life. You may make poor food choices because you think wrong. The flipside: Think well and you far more likely to eat right and weigh right.

Do you have a few questions? Good. I had a whole list of them when God told me to toss aside “fat” thinking and begin thinking the right way.

I wondered, What is thinking well? How do I think well? How long before I think well?

Will thinking well actually help me weight right?

To continue reading chapter 1 of my eBook Food as True Friend, 7 Secrets to Peace with Food and Your Body, God’s Way,  please click here. 

Another resource: my Thinking Well webinar. I still need to get this up at my website. If interested in viewing this hour on-line presentation, contact me.

Did you miss the introduction of this book? Read it here.

You Are Blessed! orangesignature2

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