girl-boxerFear. It’s THE four-letter word. It began long, long before 9/11. You know that. I know that.

We women shrink amongst “boogey men.” The worst? The fear of rejection. It hollows the core of how God made us: relational. You know, Girls Night Out. . .babies. . .chick flicks.

The seeds of the fear of rejection usually begin in childhood. For me, I felt rejected by a person dear to me. He didn’t do anything horrible to me. He just didn’t notice me, really. And he never smiled. I wanted to make him happy. I longed for his acceptance.

A hug. Anything.

What about you? When did your fear of rejection begin?

My well-meant but messed-up solution: to try to control him by being the perfect little girl who never got in trouble and brought home excellent report cards and who did everything right.

I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

I felt sad.

Only much later did I learn he suffered clinical depression. Still, my fear of rejection lingered.

My most difficult years: junior high. I was the new kid in sixth grade, seventh grade, and eighth grade. By eighth grade I stopped trying to make friends. In the school yearbook the “prediction” the kids gave me was “astronaut.” Sounds good, right? Like they thought I was going places, that I was smart.


They knew and I knew it was code for “Lucy is spacey.” That’s what the mean girls had called me.

Now this crazy economy is messy up our sense of security. More reason to fear? God wants you to experience success, according to his definitition: becoming more like Christ.

He never rejects you. Not ever. Even when the economy stinks. So what do you have to fear?

Nothing and nobody. God is big. Bigger than your fear. Bigger than boogey man, godzilla and the monsters on TV. And he loves you lavishly.

Question: What would you like to change today? Please, if you have a moment, leave a comment. 🙂

You Are Amazing!


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