Did God Really Say That?

When the crafty serpent queried Eve, “Indeed, has God said. . .” (Genesis 3:1), women and men (kids, too) have challenged the Word of God, better know as the Bible, the sixty-six books, from Genesis to Revelation, inspired by the Holy Spirit that make up the counsel of God.

God is THE greatest counselor ever.

Through millenniums, people and evil supernatural beings have challenged God’s counsel, its authority, its truthfulness, and its application to human life.

Chicken Flap

Take the controversy over the definition of marriage. God created marriage (Genesis 2) and defined it. The concept of marriage originated in the mind of God. He defined it as the sacred union between one man and one woman. The covenant of marriage is a visible picture of the invisible relationship between Christ and His Bride, the Church.

As you know, a whole bunch of people — and I won’t name names — want marriage redefined to include same-sex couples. Hence, the Chick-Fil-A flap and the resulting same sex “kiss-in.”

The “redefiners” challenge God’s Word, which is perfect and true. They basically are saying God’s a liar and Satan speaks truth. God forbid!

So Now What?

This year the flap is Chick-Fil-A. Next year it’ll be something else.

While the specific challenge changes from year to year, the argument does not. The gist of the argument is always, “Indeed, has God said?” That is, does His Word really have authority over this or that, such as my ungodly anger toward my spouse or my daughter’s pity party? Does His Word have relevance today? Does it speak to the whole of human existence, including emotions and thoughts and behavior?

Does God’s Word point to solutions leading to contentment and peace?

Yes and yes and YES.

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (2 Peter 1:3)

Do you know how to get a hold of this truth and make it a reality in your life?

This peace? This contentment? This abundant joy overflowing?

Hint: It begins with your continual decision for Christ to rule your life.

Please finish this sentence. If I experienced peace and contentment daily, then my life would ________________.

Do you want a life marked by peace and contentment? You can have it now. May I invite you to look at my counseling page? It has helpful information for you.

With Joy Overflowing!


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