When I first viewed this music video “Stand by Me” on my blogger friend’s Tiffany Stuart’s site, my heart grew wings and flew high to a majestic mountain where I viewed life as it should be, a life without hurt.

Not as it is.

You know how it is. . .wars.

In foreign countries.

In schools.

In our homes, in our hearts.

Unrest. Have you been there? Me too.

And. . .darkness.

In depression and grief.

In a little girl’s soul after a family member has done unspeakable things to her as she lay in bed at night.

Eyes shut tight, imagining. . .

she was anywhere but where she is. Where she is, is not safe. It should be. But it isn’t. Shouldn’t she be safe? Oh, God, where are you?      

Confusion. Have you been there? Me too.

The reason this gripping version of “Stand by Me” spoke truth to me: It is a snapshot of how life should be, how it could be all over the world. . .if only ___________________.

Please leave a comment and fill in the blank to make the sentence read best to you. I’d love for us to discover deep things of the Spirit from each other, to find real hope.

Here it is. Enjoy! Please pause my music player at the bottom on the page first.

If you have a moment, please leave a comment. Thanks so much, sweet Sister in Christ. 

You Are Loved, Lucy


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