God has called me to bring comfort, truth, and hope to women and to the leaders who serve them. It is a privilege and I am humbled.

You know it’s a tough world beyond your front door, and maybe in your home, which is why we each need comfort, truth, and hope everyday, all day.

I want to share two songs with you, one traditional, the other “un.” Christians are counter-cultural, you know. We must be, for our Lord bucked the culture too. I just love that guy. 🙂 The second son is my different kind of Christmas carol.

Here is the first: O Holy Night. How my heart soars, every lyric speaking glorious truth.


Here is my counter-cultural offering. . .my different kind of Christmas carol: It is who God is making me, a window to my heart, a heart to hear, to see, to love.

Do you need comfort, truth, and hope this Christmas? God loves you SO much, dear friend. He cannot love you any less or any more, for He Is LOVE! He sees. He hears. He cares. Praise His holy name.

Merry Christmas!





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