Happiness comes and goes like sunshine on a Chicago spring day. Joy sticks. Even when you get bad news, you can experience lasting joy. Do you know how? If you missed part 1 of this 2-part series, you can find it here.

Joy is a gift. Almost everyone experiences happiness, which comes and goes and goes and goes. New floral flip-flops can make you smile, even giggle, and imagine days at the beach. They can bust two days after wear them.

The busting happened to the my eldest. We attempted a fix. It failed. Back to the store we trudged, her happiness gone. She purchased another pair and learned a lesson. Flip flops sometimes flop, so no sense putting much faith in them.

Joy, now this is a different story. It endures.

“For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you [the Thessalonians]? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.”

The apostle Paul took joy in his love and care for these believers who showed faith, love, and endurance inspired by hope in Jesus. He loved them. They loved him.

Joy times joy times joy. So was Paul’s morning, noon, and night.

You, too, can experience joy overflowing. But how? Here are two steps.


Adopt an accurate view of God the Father.

Even if your dad didn’t love you, guess what? God is NOT your dad. He is love, love. “This is love, not that we loved God, but that he loves us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10).

Confession: I used to think God was a jerk. How could I think such a horrible thing? I wrongly thought that the Father was like my father. God helped me. On purpose he opened my heart and mind to the Bible with this question in mind: What does this verse say about God? And this verse? And this? It took a while–as well as a willingness to open my mind to truth–but I discovered the true God, so different that the little g god of my making.

Gentle, holy, loving, awesome, just, mighty. . .I could go on and on. I urge you to read Bible passages, with this question on your heart: Who is God the Father? He will show you and you will be amazed and humbled. A guarantee.


Have an accurate view of yourself.

In my counseling I’ve helped countless Christian women see themselves the same way Jesus sees them: valuable. And beautiful and cherished and amazing. All because of Jesus. There’s a wonderful Bible verse that has helped me: “For he chose us in him because the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight” (Ephesians 1:4). He chose me. He chose you, my sweet sister. This choosing occurred before God created the earth. Just try to imagine that.

God thought of you before the beginning of time.

Years ago I saw myself as a crumpled up paper that belonged in a trash can headed to the dump. Do you relate? Do you know someone who does?

Beautifully, God says that you, me and everyone is wonderfully made with the deepest respect by him, the Creator. Remember the bumper sticker, “God doesn’t make junk”?

As God spotlighted another lie I believed, he gave me the strength to hold it up to the light of Scripture. My choice: to believe God is a liar and I really do belong in the trash or to agree with him that I am beautiful in Christ.

With humility and awe, I attest that God tells the truth. May I encourage you to read Ephesians 1:3-14 over and over? In these few verses, the apostle Paul describes who you are in Christ. Let God’s truths wash over you.

So What Is This JOY?

This is joy: to know the one who made you completely loves you, wherever you’ve been, whatever is happening in your life now.

You don’t have to do anything to win his approval. You only need to accept the gift that Jesus bought for you. This gift is the truth that you are who God says who are: blessed, forgiven, complete and. . .beautiful. Believe it!

With Joy Overflowing!


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