Someone amazing — whose name escapes me — gave me this 30-second secret to a happier home. So simple, so easy. It is Today’s Sip, the first of many I’ll share.

Today’s Sip is the 30-second secret.

Tell yourself,

your kids,


hubby (if you’re married),

the dog,

~ OK, not the dog ~

to practice this one simple, 30-second secret: If you can do it in 30 seconds, do it.

In 30 seconds or less, can you put the coffee cup in the sink, even better: the dishwasher? Yes? By golly, put it in the dishwasher.

Can you toss yesterday’s undies/boxers/socks in the hamper in 30 tick-tocks? Toss!

Coats on hooks? Shoes on shelves? Backpacks in rooms (or wherever you keep these backbreakers)? Then hook, shelve, and room.

Even a 30-second counter wipe sparkles a difference, ushering instant peace and joy.

There’s More

Extend the 30-second secret from things to people. Simple 30-second, heart-to-heart connections.

Can you say “Thank you” to the Walmart cashier in 30 seconds or less? You know you can. Do it. A simple heart-to-heart, expanding your heart three sizes.

What else?

Hmm. Hug your kid? Yep. Leave a short comment on a blogpost? Another yep. Text a friend? Oh, yeah.

Send up a prayer?

Read a Scripture?

Sit quietly and breathe deep?

Eat a piece of fruit? Or chocolate?

You CAN make these 30-second secrets happen. I know you can. (You do too!)

Big Changes

Guess what happens when you practice 30-second secrets? They exponentially transform you and your family. Just think about it. Less clutter at home and in the workplace. The car too. Less clutter frees you and your loved ones. It translates into less stress, opening your heart to abundant joy overflowing.

As abundant joy overflows your days, you experience rest. Burdens lift. You feel energized. You WANT to thank the cashier, to breathe deep, to thank God.

Start with yourself then share it with your family. EnJOY. I’d love to hear your 30-second secrets.

Question: What is a 30-second secret you’ll start today?

With Joy Overflowing!

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