Effective Marriage Principles help couples know what a God-honoring marriage looks like and assist counselors in counseling hurting couples. Biblical counselor Bob Kellemen includes a link to a one-page PDF document too. Use this Counselor Resource in your own marriage or with the couples you counsel. These 10 effective marriage principles appeared first here on Bob’s website and is used with permission.

Gospel-Centered Marriages

I’ve done a lot of marriage counseling lately. Consistent biblical themes keep arising. I’ve collated them into 10 effective marriage principles for couples and for marriage counseling. The first 8 principles are for both the husband and wife. The final 2 are more specifically for the husband (# 9) and the wife (# 10).

Notice that the last two principles are where a lot of couples and a lot of counselors start—with biblical roles in marriage. Obviously, this is a vital biblical area. Yet, Paul did not start Ephesians with Ephesians 5:21. He started it with gospel-centered principles of salvation, daily Christian living, and relationships. Then, building upon those foundations, Paul moved toward the roles, responsibilities, and callings of husbands and wives. With these 10 effective marriage principles, I’ve sought to do the same—laying out a gospel-centered foundation for marriages and marriage counseling.

I now regularly hand out these 10 effective marriage principles as a one-page guide for the couples that I’m counseling. Feel free to do the same—with small margins, you can make these 10 principles all fit on one page! To prove it, click here for your one-page PDF document. You can send it to others using this shortened link: http://bit.ly/MarriageMC10 

Here Are 10 Effective Marriage Principles

1. Keep Putting Jesus First; Keep Loving Jesus Most

Matthew 22:35-38

Love God most with your most: with all your heart, soul, mind, and spirit. Repent of anything you put on the throne above Jesus. Put Jesus before yourself. Put Jesus before your children, your work, your ministry. And put Jesus before your need to be right. Put Jesus first. Love Jesus most.

2. Be Empowered, Changed, and Comforted by the Trinity

Ephesians 5:18; 6:10-18; 2 Corinthians 1:3-8

Paul surrounds his marriage counsel with Ephesians 5:18 and 6:10-18. Spouses change as they are filled by the Spirit (5:18). Marriages change as spouses become more like Christ in Christ’s resurrection power (6:10-18). In your marital hurts, be comforted by the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-8).

3. Remember Who Your Enemy Is—Satan!

Ephesians 6:11-12

Your struggle is not against your spouse. Your enemy is not your spouse. And your joint enemy is Satan! He wants to destroy your marriage. Join together as spiritual warriors to defeat Satan in the Lord’s mighty power.

4. Take Personal Responsibility

Joshua 1:6-9; Philippians 4:9

You’ve been given more spiritual tools than most people on the planet. Use them. Be mature and courageous and do what God commands. What you’ve heard in the Word—do! Put it into practice!

5. Take the Log Out of Your Own Eye, Confess, Repent

Matthew 7:3-5; James 4:1-4

Don’t focus on what your spouse is doing wrong or not doing right. Remember Matthew 7:3-5 and take the mote out of your eye. Recall James 4:1-4—the real problem in any marriage resides within your heart. Ask God to reveal any sins to repent of. Ask forgiveness of your spouse.

6. Forgive Each Other, Reaffirm Your Love, Comfort Each Other

2 Corinthians 2:5-11

Your spouse will never repent perfectly or be perfect. Still, forgive them as Christ forgives you. Still, reaffirm your loyal love to them as Christ loves you. And still, comfort them as the God of comfort comforts you. Surrender bitterness. Refuse to keep track of wrong. Love. Start afresh every morning as God renews His faithfulness every day.

7. Speak Life Words, Not Death Words to Your Spouse

Ephesians 4:29; Proverbs 18:21

When your spouse hurts or fails you, do this:

1.) Find comfort in Christ.

2.) Seek hope in God.

3.) Take the mote out of your own eye.

4.) Forgive the mote in your spouse’s eye.

5.) Love like Christ. Say this, “My spouse is doing ______. I’m going to respond like Christ by thinking and doing ______.” Speak life-giving, helpful words about and to your spouse—words that nourish them according to their need, that it will benefit your spouse.

8. Put the Interests of Your Spouse First in the Power of Christ

Philippians 2:1-5

When your spouse doesn’t meet your need, be filled by the One who meets your every need—the Trinity Who encourages you, is compassionate with you, values and affirms you. Out of His fullness, choose to fill your spouse by putting their interests before your interests. Put your spouse first.

9. Husband: Shepherd Your Wife with Christ’s Sacrificial Love

Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:7

Husband, your #1 marital calling is shepherding your wife. Shepherd her like Christ shepherds the church: with death-to-self, sacrificial, agape, mature, other-centered love. Ask God to empower you to live out Ephesians 5:22- 33. Seek to know your wife richly and to treat her with respect as a spiritual heir with you (1 Peter 3:7).

10. Wife: Love Your Husband Like the Church Loves Christ

Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-6

Wife, your #1 marital calling is to love your husband with respecting love (Ephesians 5:33). Mature respect encourages strengths, affirms gifts, and gently, humbly challenges wrongs. Mature respect speaks the truth in love to help your husband to keep growing in Christ—because you are for your husband and believe in Christ’s work in him. Ask God to use your godly life to draw your husband closer to Christ (1 Peter 3:1-6).

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