cucumber-eyesWe women long to hear:




Yet we rarely do. We live in a put-down world with impossible beauty standards. Flawless faces leer at us while we wait in the checkout line. You’ve seen them, haven’t you?

Blemish-free skin, perfect noses, impeccable makeup. And just below the faces. . .

. . . big bosoms and slender, sculpted bods.

Who can compare?

Not me.

Not you.

No one.

Seriously, even supermodels are air-brushed.

I surveyed a dozen Christian women, ages 20 to 60, who attended my workshop “Inside Out Beauty.” The question I posed: What are two things would you change about your looks? They wrote their answers. No names. Complete anonymity.

The results: All but one mentioned weight.

No surprise. Everyone I know wants to lose a little, a little there.

The other things they’d change: hairy arms, wrinkles, age spots, eye color, hair color, even “my whole body.”


Here’s the big Q? How can we learn to see ourselves like Jesus does?

Question: What would you change about you? Leave a comment.

You Are Blessed,


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