. . .and you thought it passed.

Sure, the flowers are wilted, the chocolate savored, and Starbucks’ cards — thank you,  family  slipped in wallet for a must-have-caffeine kinda day. And. . .

laundry piles. Dishes overflow sink. Dust bunnies waltz.

Kids drop shoes IN THE MIDDLE OF ROOMS, where people walk and trip and roll eyes.

Doesn’t this sound like grumbling, these bye-gone chocolates and laundry piles: John 6:43?

It Could Be Worse!

Rather than an inconvenience of skirting shoes, couldn’t I — like many of you — be living tough stuff now? Look at the graphic up top. Click it to see it up close. I pinned it to Pinterest and others re-pinned. Facebook friends shared it. Last time I looked way over a thousand saw and liked and “got it.” Motherhood is not for sissies.

Infertility. Depression. Anxiety. Rebellious kids. Babies with special needs. Addictions. Abortion.

This is tough stuff that often is not discussed in church. Or when it is, the moms (or wannabe moms) and hurting people in general sometimes receive no comfort and sometimes condemnation.

One Southern woman I counseled by Skype had confided in a female leader at her church a little about her life. This leader later called her a liar.  The woman told me she did lie then lied about lying; there is so so so much more to the story than that. So much more. Why couldn’t this leader show compassion like Jesus rained on the woman at the well (John 4:4-26)?

Do you need a compassionate listener? When someone in the church offended you, how did you respond? Did you lean toward God or away?

It Can Be Better

Mom, you can live a better life of hope and joy. This is God’s will for you too. Difficult times come. Yet you can learn how to handle them from a Gospel viewpoint. The Gospel is the Person and work of Jesus Christ.

Here’s one example. As circumstances — “my husband looks at internet porn” — evoke a response — “I give him the silent treatment” — you may have messy thoughts — “when he looks at naked women, I get angry” — which reveal your motives: the idol of fear.

This sounds bad and it is, for idol worship is sinful, but good news abounds.

  • If your church offers biblical counseling, make an appointment.
  • If you’re in a healthy, caring small group, share your struggles confidentially.
  • If you are no longer in a church or sense there isn’t a safe place to share at your church, may I pray for you and ask you to consider contacting me? As you may know, I am a certified biblical counselor through the Association of Biblical Counselors and a graduate of Western Seminary, Portland, OR, in Pastoral Care to Women, and this is the cool thing:

I counsel women from all over the world using Skype. You see me and I see you, from the convenience of your home.

You can find hope that leads to joy. God is good. Got questions? Drop me a note.

P.S. During the next several weeks I’ll update and post my readers’ favorite posts. I’ll have a surprise for you in July when I unveil my new website with new, highly practical resources for you .

Blessings of Hope!




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