I didn’t like The Perfect Life at first. The opening pages of this novel by Robin Lee Hatcher describe a one-dimensional life that’s gaggingly perfect: A hunk of a husband. A gorgeous home. Great grown-up daughters. A thriving ministry.

The perfect life. Uggh! Show me the nearest place to toss my cookies.

Then Hatcher reveals one crack in pretty porcelain Katherine Clarkson, and another, and I was hooked. I am convinced Hatcher penned the opening pages of perfection to set up the unveiling of Katherine’s mud mask. By the end of the book, you walk with Katherine through her self-doubt, thoughts of divorce, her willingness to believe lies so easily and her anger toward the people she loves the most, even God.  

The story of Katherine and hubby Brad could be mine. (Or yours? )

Many of us women let the people around us see what we want them to see — that we are capable and need no help, that we have life figured out, that we’re, ahem, perfect. 

This novel gives its readers a reality check. Am I really trusting God or going through the motions? Am I real?  It’s worth a read. You’ll rethink “perfect.” And you may even draw closer to God’s idea of perfection.

Bonus: Hatcher includes an excellent group reading guide at the back of the book.

Robin Lee Hatcher is an award-winning novelist of more than 60 books. She is known for her emotionally charged novels of faith. Her latest: When Love Blooms.

Highly recommended.

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