Mom Dies, Then What?

telephoneThe phone rang.


Seven in the morning? Who’d call this early?

“This is Officer So-and-So of the Elmhurst Police Department. I’m sad to inform you that your mother is. . .”

You never forget a call like that. My mom was only 62.

I already had a lot going on, especially dealing with difficult memories from childhood.

 Now this.

That sounds whiny, like my mom had a fatal heart attack on an inconvenient day fifteen years ago. Like another day would have been better.

No day is good for a mother to die.

I remember saying to God several weeks later, “Why did you kill my best friend?” knowing he didn’t kill her. He brought her home. Brought her home? Home? Heaven is home? But I’m not there with her so how could it be home? What about me?

Whiney again. Grief is whiney sometimes.

The cemetery stood three blocks from my home. It became my almost daily ritual to walk to her spot, bend low and with my finger trace her name and the dates of her birth and death.


11.7.1931 – 1.10.1994


The days after 1.10.1994 blurred. Sometimes I wailed pain from the deepest part of me, a part I didn’t even know I had. Until then.

My pain reliever: music. Sometimes I danced. Sometime I sat, dazed. I allowed myself to feel. Yes, me. Lucy, the girl who had learned to stuff emotions like I stuff a Thanksgiving turkey. . .to overflowing.

The dam burst.

I grieved you well, Mom.

It doesn’t hurt so bad anymore.

Except on your birthday, your death day, and Mother’s Day.

And today. Why today?

I don’t know, Mom. Grief’s like that. Sometimes it plays peek-a-boo.

Question: When you hear the word “grief” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Please share.

You Are Loved!


Somebody Died and I Hurt

The morning began like any other. A shower, a bagel, a cup of tea. Death was near. I just didn’t know it. . .yet.

“Time to get up, Sweetie,” I told Laura. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Do you want to wear your purple sweater to preschool? It’s very cold outside.”

“OK, Mommy. Could I have toast for breakfast?”

“Sure.” I padded to the kitchen and grabbed the Butternut.

Steve called from the bathroom. “We need more shaving cream.”

Then the phone rang. A phone call now? Strange. No one calls this early.

I answered and heard a woman’s voice, all business. Her words made no sense. My mom? Dead? Looks like a heart attack?  “Is this some kind of sick joke?” I blurted.

The woman repeated the horrible words I didn’t want to believe. I dropped the phone and fell to my knees. Tears rushed like a stream.

Fast forward two weeks.

Life seemed normal again after the funeral. I was back at work. Steve too. Laura asked fewer questions about Grandma Carol. But life was crazy on the inside. Crazy-bad. I knew I was grieving. I just never knew it could be this bad. I sped from denial to anger and flat-out asked God, “Why did you kill my best friend? Didn’t you know I needed her?”

You may think my questions were irreverent. Maybe they were. I don’t know. I only knew that I hurt deeply and that my God is sovereign. He picked the hour of her death. He was responsible. I didn’t like him very much right then.

Fast forward a few months.

It was Mother’s Day and tough to be in church. The ushers handed out roses. I gave mine to Laura. Sadness covered me like a wet, wool coat. Beyond uncomfortable. I wanted out. My days were dark. My nights darker.

Fast forward a few more months.

I visited my mom’s gravesite and traced the words on the polished stoned with my finger, slowly: Carol Gale Kuper ~ November 7, 1931 – January 10, 1994 ~ Through Death Into Life. And I cried. Again. Yet something was different. I was different.

You see, on this day, as I touched the stone, I made the decision to hope, to live again. I no longer allowed sadness and anger to rule my thoughts and feelings. I put them in the safe hands of God, the same God whom I accused of killing my mom, my best friend. He didn’t kill her, he called her home to heaven. He’s not always likeable.

But he loves. . .

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Death is a terrible thing. It hurts.

Has death come near to you?

Whether you’ve lost a mom, a baby or someone dear to you, please, please be kind to yourself. It’s OK to grieve. Open up to a caring person when you feel the need to talk. Listen to music that soothes your soul.

Look at photos. Remember happy times. Remember sad times. Talk to God about deep things.

When meaningful dates approach — the loved one’s birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day or any day that has special significance to you — expect your emotions to fly any which way. You may be sad for no apparent reason, or you may be quick to yell. It’s a sign you’re grieving; don’t be too hard on yourself.

Reminders of death may mess with you too.

A friend told me a story that he had become very upset when his young son’s pet duck died. He couldn’t figure out why. He wasn’t attached to the duck. It was just a duck, he said. As we talked I learned that he and his wife had a baby who died in utero a few years before. His mind made a connection between the duck’s death and his baby. He still grieved.

And that’s okay.

Grieve well, my sister. God understands. He’s been there. He wants to comfort you. 

You are loved, Lucy


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