. . .is out there somewhere, and I don’t know her name.

She is hurting bad.

Real bad.

She is a sex slave. I picture her at age 13. The same as my daughter, Julia. So young yet two years older than the typical sex slave.

Just a child.

Not a woman.

Even still, her owner sells to anyone who will buy her for an hour. It’s rape. It’s sick.

I don’t want to think about her. I want to shut my eyes tight and pretend it is not happening, that two million children are not enslaved worldwide, that no bad things happen. At least not like that.

They do.

I feel sad. I feel angry. Instead of shutting my eyes, I decide to do something, but what? What can any single solitary someone do? Someone like me? Someone like you?

The truth: a lot! Together we can get out the message that child sex slavery has run rampant and we won’t take it anymore.
Instead, we will save the girls.

Save the Girls. This is the name of a ministry I founded. A ministry of message, rescue and care.

You can make a difference by doing something simple but amazing: Host a Save the Girls yard sale.

You sell your unwanted stuff and buy the freedom and care of a girl, a precious girl, made in the image of a holy God, who has been treated like trash. From junk to gems, from trash to treasure, these girls need your help.

Here’s how it works:

1. Tell us and we’ll list it on this site and promote your yard sale. Use the handy checklist (downloadable for free at Save the Girls) and send press releases to the media (also free).

2. Get out the message of this horrific crime against children. Provide informational handouts at your yard sale. Wear and sell Save the Girls tees and Save the Girls prayer bracelets (both available at Store).

3. Donate a percentage (or all) of your proceeds to respected Christian groups that rescue sex slaves and/or provide them care in the name of Christ.

So please Go to Save the Girls and read the statistics, get your stuff to host your garage sale, then do it.

Real Hurts. . .Real Hope. . .Real Help.

You Are Loved, Lucy 

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