Hey beautiful warriors,

Now a second confession:

I gave you a wonky link.

So sorry so sorry so sorry. As you may remember from confession Numero Uno, I was nervous switching from FeedBlitz to FeedBurner to deliver my blog to you. And a bunch of you switched. Happy dance. (I think “happy dance” is getting old, so. . .let’s do the pogo stick. . .oh, the calories you’ll burn.) 

So if you bopped into a wonky land trying to resubscribe, here’s the better way. Go to my main blog page: click http://lucyannmoll.com/beautifulwarrior. In the upper right corner under the banner, you’ll see a signup box for Feedburner. Type in your email addy, follow the prompts and — ta da — you did it.

As I said in confession Numero Uno, I don’t want to lose any of you. Not one. That’s why I’m nail-biting nervous. :-} And I don’t bite my nails. Shake my foot, yes. Bite nails, no.

Remember, when you resubscribe or subscribe for the first time, I will happily and eagerly send you one of my favorites (as told me by fellow subscribers) as a gift: the eReport “You Are Beautiful! Looking at You the Way Jesus Does.” There’s no limit: Every one gets the eReport. Please tweet and Facebook this post. : -) I’m pogo-sticking.

Just go here and type in your email in the FeedBurner signup (not FeedBlitz) , and you’ll get the same great blog. Please. I really do love all of you and pray for you. Really.

God Is Good!




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