Tired of trite answers about family life? So are your kids. Your children are growing up in a world that is different from the one you knew as a child.

“Tired of trite answers about family life? So are your kids. Your children are growing up in a world that is different from the one you knew as a child.”

This is how Mary DeMuth describes her re-released parenting book titled You Can Raise Courageous and Confident Kids: Preparing Your Children for the World They Live In.

Friends, isn’t that true! Our kids are growing up in a world vastly different than the one we experienced. The post 9/11 world seems scary and unpredictable. Even moms are hiding under the covers.

Solutions! Please!

Mary shared several solutions on my online radio show, REFILLS. REFILLS shares cups of comfort, truth, and hope with women and with the leaders who serve them. It airs every Tuesday at 2 p.m. Eastern (11 a.m. Pacific). You may listen to the show featuring Mary by clicking here.

During the show, our listeners chimed in with their solutions and comfort for one another. Take a peek.

Mary ~ a problem today: overscheduling

Amanda ~ Amen to that. My child is not involved in anything

Amy ~ I  got ridiculed for NOT scheduling the heck out of my kids…PLUS not scheduling myself! We allow our children down time. There is nothing wrong in beign bored or exploring interests/hobbies within the family

Amanda ~ My daughter prefers to dig in the dirt, totally free.

Me ~ Mary felt overwhelmed by her own expectations — well-behaved kids, dinner on the table, et cetera.

Amy ~ Learning how to help your children be responsible, especially older ones.

Me ~ Mary loves parenting teens! YAY Mary!

Shari ~ I do too!!!! I LOVE my teen boy…..it’s very fun!

Amanda ~ I’m scared of parenting a teen with autism!

Mary ~ Amanda, that would be hard.

Sweetie ~ What we find with our teenagers is working on methods to keep the conversations going…afterschool “first telling” with time for snacks…being available for them to simply hear…not plug in at first

Amy ~ I am also keeping the conversation open. We also watch TV shows together and then discuss the topic…the news and how they are feeling about it.

Amanda ~ That is a great idea, Amy.

Sweetie ~ We use the same three questions: “What was best about today, What was hardest, Who do you think needs our prayers today”

Me ~ Another solution: Just say no. Write a not-to-do list.

Friends, that’s just part of the chat log from the show. You are also welcome to join the new Facebook group called The REFILLS Lounge where the conversations continue. To join, simply go on Facebook, use the search box to get to The REFILLS Lounge, then ask to be added. This is a closed group and is for women only. Remember: God gives free refills. Get yours today. 🙂

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