Dee Brestin wrote the classic The Friendships of Women. Listen in as she shares her heart.

When Dee Brestin was in fifth grade, she and her friend Donna took turns walking each other home from school even though they lived a mile apart. A standing joke among the two: “Now I’ll walk you home!” So they’d laugh and turn to walk another mile.

After dinner, guess what? They chatted and chatted and chatted on the phone.

{Today they’d probably text or chat on Facebook. This is what my two youngest do. They have to talk with their friends. All. The. Time.}

We women value friendship deep.

We love our friendships.

At times we hate them when we feel rejected.

Dee Brestin understands. She wrote the book on it: The Friendships of Women. This classic debuted in 1987 and it filled a void. Her book touched a need so deep that friends bought the books for friends who bought it for friends, selling more than a million copies. A few years ago, her twentieth anniversary edition came out. The need is just as great today.

Join Dee on my online radio show REFILLS on Tuesday at 2pm Eastern (11am Pacific). As my guest Dee will help us understand the complicating and beautiful world of women friendships. If you miss the live show, listen to the archive. Click this link to listen live or to the archive.

You’re going to learn so much, including:

~ why women reject other women

~ how women friends differ from male friendships

~ what to do when when you feel lonely or want to reach out to women who feel lonely

Join us!

Psst. . .Did you miss Day 3 of the 30 Days of Friendship? Read “Face to Face or Side by Side” now.

You Are Blessed!

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