jennifer-maggio-small-web-view The overwhelmed single mom. Did you know single mothers nationwide number more than 17 million? The single mom is among the fastest-growing populations.

She is in our churches. And she is outside our churches with no interest in finding a seat in the worship center. Why? She thinks she doesn’t belong or will be judged.

What is her greatest fear? Usually, it is how she will support her family financially.

She tries to be the best parent she can be, but it’s tough to work and get dinner on the table and do the laundry and help with homework and give discipline. . .

and. . .and. . .and.

Jennifer Maggio is my special guest Tuesday at 1 p.m. CDT on my radio show, “Sisterhood of Beautiful Warriors.”  Jennifer is the authof of Overwhelmed, The Life of a Single Mom. It tells the heart-breaking story of how Jennifer endured abuse, molestation, poverty, homelessness, and teen pregnancy. Her mother died when she was just one year old. There’s a whole lot more to the story.

Awful twists and turns.

And hope-filled, Praise-God moments.

To listen live at 1 p.m. Tuesday, click HERE. Can’t listen live? Then catch the archive.

On the show, Jennifer will share what she learned through her journey, including how to parent alone, managing finances as a single mom, finding emotional stability, and exeriencing spiritual growth. You’ll also tell how she went from a homeless teen mom to an account manager of a Fortune 500 company. She now heads up a single moms’ ministry.

If you’re a single mom or know one, check out my next post on “Resources for Single Moms.” To make sure you get it sign up to receive my blog by email. Thanks. 🙂

Single moms need help. They need support. They need groceries and diapers and our friendship.

Most of all they need hope.

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