housecatWhere would I  be without a cat standing on my tummy at 5 in the morn, demanding I:

a) turn on the bathroom faucet for his drinking pleasure

b) open the door to the great outdoors, a place to chase birds, a place to pee.

c) scratch the sweet spot on his chest

d) all of the above at the same time, preferably

Answer: D

Without my cat hiss-tory (sorry, could resist 😛 ) my lonely childhood would have been lonelier. I’m sure of this.

First came Suzie. My brother her in circles, as I suppose all 8-year-old boys do,

and let go.

She landed on my face. A scar below my nose proves she once was, her ninth life come and gone.

Then we housed Sylvester and Sylvester No. 2, followed by Charlie and Muffy, who bore Tiger, Tuffy, Buffy and Laces.

Laces was the first cat of my husband and me. And I knew he was a keeper. Years later our eldest talked us into being a two-cat family. Sneakers — born in the backseat of my brother red convertible — joined us too. So did Mumble.

 There were many more cats in my childhood. I’ve forgotten their names.

My apologies, kitties.

I thank God he doesn’t forget me.

Question: Are you like cats, dogs, snakes or some other type of critter. Leave a comment, please.

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