
Something has been bugging me lately. Daddy long-legs. Not the creatures. But my perspective on these little beasties.

While seven or so danced atop our family tent this month, I felt sickly curious. Would one eat the other during a “tango”? Or would they play nice? As quiet as a, well, daddy long-leg, I leaned toward my camera to share this dance with you then remembered I had left the memory card at home. The very last thing I wanted to do: Wake my daughter. She detests spiders.

Her enemies are my friends. . .at a distance.

Life’s troubles are like daddy long-legs. You want to keep them at arm’s length. But what happens when one lands in your lap?

I’m trying to befriend them. Kind of. Rather than find a place to hide, I want to redefine them as life’s learning opportunities. This is hard. On my (partial) list:

* Paying school costs. In the past, this had been a no brainer: write a check. Now? In this economy? Errrr.

* Helping someone dear to me take responsibility for her life.

* Realizing that I’ve pushed God off this throne and worshipped my time, which means I served my ultimate god: me.

So how am I handling my learning opportunities? As I said, it comes down to perspective. Are these spiders — ahem, opportunities — my friends or enemies?

Excuse me. I need to find a old shoe to whack a daddy long-leg. Where is the blasted shoe?

I know, I use my husband’s. Wait, wait. . .got it!

I’m back.

What are your “spiders”? Shall we squish them together? Or groove to the music?

You Are Loved, Lucy

Need help handling your spiders? As a biblical counselor and graduate of the pastoral care to women program at Western Seminary, I’ve helped hundreds of women discover God’s answer to their problems. Setting up appointments by phone, webcam or email is easy and affordable. Check out my site Real Hope Biblical eCounseling or email me at

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