cherylrickerA woman is dying. Lung cancer, stage 4. She’s a young mom. Her name is Chantale.

How would you encourage her?

Cheryl Ricker, author of A Friend in the Storm, met Chantale at a Mothers of Preschoolers meeting. God tugged Cheryl heart to speak hope into Chantale’s life.

And so she shared compassion, and time, and poetry. Heart-felt poetry.

Her poems to Chantale sparked her book, a treasure of Scripture, quotes and poetry, published in August. Cheryl’s hosting a Facebook party on October 4.  More important, they gave hope and peace to a terminally ill friend.

If you or someone you know has a friend near death — or has faced other losses, including divorce, the death of a child, even home foreclosure, join Cheryl and me on my Sisterhood of Beautiful Warriors radio show on Tuesday, September 28, at 1 p.m. Central (2 p.m. Eastern) and rediscover hope.

To listen to the show LIVE, click HERE.

Can’t listen LIVE, then listen to the archive.

Without hope, what do you have? Nothing. With hope, you can change your world because Christ has changed you. Don’t believe me.

Believe God.

The Bible speaks volumes on hope. This is my favorite hope verse: “Faith is being sure of what you hope for, and certain of what you do not see.”

When you face job loss, or you child becomes very ill, or you divorce, what it your hope? Sometimes storms are so strong that we may doubt God. Does He care? And if He cares, why won’t He quiet the storm?

This was the deep question Cheryl answered with her poetry. God gave Chantale a friend in the storm who pointed her to our dearest Friend. Cancer eventually took Chantale’s life but her spirit is with God.

I encourage you to visit Cheryl’s websiteA Friend in the Storm makes a great gift for anyone going through a tough time or who feels sick, tired and weary.

Watch this TV interview of Cheryl’s story.

 You can also enter the book giveaway for a complimentary copy. To enter, simply leave a comment.

You Are Precious,


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