angry-boyOn Tuesday I welcome my first male guest to “The Sisterhood of Beautiful Warriors” radio show. He is Cec Murphey, a New York Times bestselling author whose books have sold well into the millions. Since he’s a guy, let’s consider him

our mighty warrior.

To listen to the show live or to the archive, click HERE. It airs at 1 p.m. CT.

Like the “mighty warrior” Gideon in the Bible who faced opposition, Cec slammed into a brick wall as he shopped his latest book to publishers. It’s titled When a Man You Love Was Abused: A Woman’s Guide to Helping Him Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation.

Though a mega bestselling author, Cec searched six long years to find an editor to believe in the book and champion it to the publishing board who says yay or nay. Pub boards usually says nay.

Kregal Publications said YAY.

A generation ago, we women began opening up about sexual abuse and found soul sisters who understood our pain. Now it’s the guys’ turn. God is crazy excited to bind up the brokenhearted warriors and make them mighty again.

Cec writes with great empathy. It is deep but not graphic. Though parts of the book were hard for me to read, I never thought too much information. I’d give it a PG-13 rating.




flung it

out the


Why? Why so angry?

It took a day to process my emotions. This is the answer I managed: The suggestions on how to help the man you love seem so so so hard, like you gotta do it just right. I can’t do that.

I mess up.

If I were the wife of a man sexually abused during childhood, I’d want help! I know this sounds selfish and maybe it is. Cec says to his women readers, “You were the other victim.”

This is why I never envied my husband when I faced the pain of my own childhood abuse by an older male relative. Confusion, shame, deep sadness.

I reached out to my husband. And he held me. Not perfectly. But he held me.

He did his best.

This is why I felt the need to speed the book out the window.

But I resisted the temptation. Instead I’m reading it a second time.

When a Man You Love Was Abused moved me. Great books move readers.

Therefore, Cec Murphey wrote what kind of book?

And 2 + 2 equals 4.

Question: Do you plan to read this book? 

You Are Precious,


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