In fearful times, celebrate Christian faith and missions around the globe, even in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the terrorist Osama bin Laden and mastermind of 9/11, now dead!

Join me as I interview award-winning novelist Kathi Macias on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Eastern (11 a.m. Pacific). Her Extreme Devotion features courageous women of faith, including Muslim-turned-Christian Farah of People of the Book, set in bin Ladin’s birthplace, Saudi Arabia.

The link the the show (live or archived) is HERE.

~ Hear how Kathi faced the fear of speaking in public and overcame it.

~ Discover why she champions courageous female characters of deep faith in faraway lands.

~ Get Kathi’s insights on bin Laden’s first homeland, which she studied in-depth.

~ Hear the heartbeat of the protagonist Farah, a devout Muslim, who has a troubling dream, troubling because Isa — Jesus — calls her to himself.

The take away: In our uncertain times, we can be certain of this: God is good. He’s in control. And. . .





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