anger-woman_daggersHi Beautiful Warriors!

Here’s part 3 of my series on food, God and friendship. Kinda like Eat, Pray, Love (the movie or the book) but without the Brazilian hottie, ashram and pizza. I’ll share a chapter of my eBook Food as True Friend in each post. Here’s the second chapter, “Speak Well.” EnJOY.

Speak Well

“Fatso.” “Blimp.” “You’re ugly.” “You’ll never be pretty.” “No one wants to be seen with you.” “How can God even love you?”

You would never say these horrible things to a friend, but chances are, you trash-talk yourself. Between your pierced ears, your mind entertains lies of your beauty and worth, or lack thereof. Satan tempts you to lie to yourself; sadly, unless you resist him, he’ll con you. You’ll believe the lies and tear yourself to pieces as a wolf rips apart sheep.

I know I have. My mom has too.

So have the women who’ve attended my Inside Out Beauty workshops. In fact I’ve never met a woman so comfortable in her skin that she accepts herself just as she is. Yet God accepts her. God accepts you.

To the question “What’s one thing you’d like to change about your body,” she anonymously wrote: “Everything.”

I hurt for her. Chances are her eyes twinkled, or her eyebrows arched lovely, or her skin pinked healthy or something, anything. I suspect she trash-talked to herself. What about you? Why do you call yourself names?

How can you stop?

What replaces these ugly names?

These are the questions to ponder in this chapter as you discover how to quit trash-talking and befriend food. Continue reading this chapter.

Do you want to order the entire eBook and discover how to befriend food? Click HERE.

 You Are Beautiful!orangesignature5

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