keyboard-and-fightersChristmas music jumpstarts the spirit and the cookies taste fabulous. But if you have family junk — and we all do, if we’re honest — the holidays at your home may not live up to the Hallmark commercials.

In fact, it may look more like this short and hilarious YouTube video.

Noisy and kinda wacko. Family is messy. So is church. 

When life feels like a battle, God has your back. He says in the Bible that you are valued, significant and loved. Our God is tender toward you. He knows your name and has written it on the palm of his hand. He calls you — a beautiful warrior.

Back in the early 1990s, I didn’t understand these biblical truths. . .and I was a follower of Christ. Depression had darkened my mood. Anxiety had rattled my mind too. On top of this tough stuff, difficult memories jabbed me. Yes, there was my parents’ divorce but something worse. Shame.

How could I tell anyone my pain? Especially women in the church who seemed to have it all together?

Fast forward to 2000, the year of God’s specific call on my life.

God whispered to my heart: “Lucy, comfort my sheep with the comfort you’ve received from me.”

“Who me?” I asked

“Trust me, Lucy.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“Trust me.”

Like a snowflake, my arguments floated away and I said, “Okay, Lord.”

Question: As the Christmas draws near, what is God saying to you?

Yorangesignature6ou Are Loved!

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