God heals the broken-hearted and sets captives free. He can heal you. Even if you were abused. Even you suffer post-traumatic stress disorder.

lindypicPost-traumatic stress disorder. Listen to my podcast on abuse and PTSD. Clicke here to listen.

Soldiers returning from Iraq and Afganistan are prime candidates for PTSD. So are high school and college students who lived through campus shootings. Even people who witnessed the terrorist attacks of 9/11 or who survived the Katrina may struggle with PTSD.

It can occur after you’ve experienced a traumatic event where you feared for your safety, even your life.

Sometimes the fallout turns uglier than ugly: the develpment of multiple personalities. I’m not talking Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a split personality popularized by novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. But close.

Lindy Abbott, a Christian blogger, wife, and mother, suffered abuse as a young child so severe that her mind could not process it so it protected itself so she could survive.

As Lindy writes at her blog Abuse and Trauma Hope, “It is at this precise moment [of abuse] that the child unconsciously begins to protect the soul from utter destruction by separating the harmful/abusive experiences into hidden places in the soul. The mind does this without needing the child to actively think about what she needs to do to survive, it as an unconscious act of self-preservation.”

Whether you’ve suffered abuse at the hands of a loved one or experienced a traumatic event, like a house fire or tornado, a mugging or a rape, this show is for you. You’ll find out that your body’s response to severe stress affected your body and even rewired your brain.

The good news is God can heal you. Some of you may have heard, “You just need more faith,” “Are you certain you are saved?” “You must have unconfessed sin.”

These hurtful comments heap pain upon pain.

Jesus IS the answer. And he came to bind up the broken-hearted and free the captives.

Sharing Hope with Your Heart,



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