When fear hits, you can run away from it or fight it. Here are three godly steps to defeat fear. . .and find the peace you need.

The serpent eyed Eve and strung together lies.

Did the woman run? Or yell, “Help me, Adam”? You know the infamous story. Eve and the serpent chatted up a storm that crashed into her world. . .and yours. Fear debuted for the very first time in history. It grabbed center stage.

The Faces of Fear

Fear. It’s a quirky emotion. It protects. Example: A pitbull charges you, and your feet hurdle a fence like a world‐class Olympian. Safe, you breathe relief. Fear also shows its scary sides. It may stalk you, steal your peace, and imprison you. This is bad fear. The type that tempts you to make an ugly choice (aka: sin).

At the core of bad fear is shame. Shame whispers lies: “You’re inherently worthless and defective. You’re junk.”

Many believers in Jesus Christ hear shame, too. Some of us grew up in homes where we were told through word or action that we “should never have been born.” Others endured abuse or witnessed it. Example: Dad swore at Mom and slammed her against a door while you and your siblings cowered.

Shames entices you and me to to hide, to cover up, to strategically place fig leaves over the pain. In childhood or adulthood it may pop up as depression, addiction (including being super busy at church), self-condemnation, unforgiveness, and panic attacks. This is the short list.

Turning Fear to Faith: 3 Steps

Trouble by fear? Try these steps. Repeat them as often as fear tempts you. Consider speaking your pastor or a faith-based counselor.

1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the answer to this question: What am I hiding? Chances are, he’ll pinpoint areas of pain generated from fear. Example: You feel hurt that your loved one forgot to call you, and you fear rejection even though God says he’ll never leave you.

2. Do a U-Turn. Repent (or a 180-degree turn) of your sins including ungodly responses to fear. Ask God for help. He will help you.

3. Replace fear with faithful choices. Let’s say that you are afraid to confront a co-worker who is misrepresenting you to your supervisor OR the woman who talks about you behind your back. Choose to follow God’s instructions in the Bible, and go to her and speak to her privately, lovingly and truthfully.

Yes, this is easier said than done. Be encouraged. God gives you the strength to obey him.

You are not alone.

You Are Blessed,


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