blue-eyeNatalie stared at her half‐naked body in the bathroom mirror. “Uggh! I’m so fat. I hate myself,” she thought.

She stepped on the scale. It flashed 92. At five feet four inches tall, Natalie looked as emaciated as a prisoner in a WWII concentration
camp. She had all but stopped eating.

Her problem? An addiction to perfectionism.

Once her son hopped on the school bus, Karrie began to feel an adrenaline rush. Today she was going shopping! She told herself she’d buy one and only one outfit for her seven‐year‐old. She had made the same promise last week and broke it. “I can do it this time,” Karrie pep‐talked. Three hours and many shopping bags later, she collapsed on her couch and cried. “You can’t do anything right,” she muttered to herself.

Her problem? An addiction to shopping.

Suzanne picked up after her kids in a flurry. Ben would be home any minute, usually in a bad mood, and she didn’t want to make it worse. As she picked up toys and kept on eye on dinner, negative thoughts attacked her again. “I do everything I can to keep him happy. I wash his clothes. Make his dinner. Keep the kids quiet. Share his bed. But does he care about us? No! Just him and the remote and his twelve‐pack of beer. Sometimes I wish he were dead.” She put another block in the toy box.

Her problem? An addiction to people pleasing.

In general terms, an addiction is a recurring compulsion to engage in a specific activity, to the point of harm. Numerous types of addictions take a heavy toll on the lives of men, women and children in the United States and across the globe, including Christians. Click here to keep reading this article.


Visit my resource page and read tons of articles on topics that matter to you, a Christian woman whose had good times, bad times, and everything in between. These resources are free. I’m adding new stuff all the time so check back. Is there a topic you need info on? Please contact me and make a suggestion. 🙂


Amazing to me, 250 to 300 people listen to my weekly online radio show live or archived. This Tuesday the topic is “Christian Witch?” with special guest is Kristine McGuire, who became a bonafide Jesus follower as a kid and became a witch, medium and ghost hunter as an adult.

Here are some shows that you’ll find encouraging and informative. A great help to you. Click on subject and name of special guest.

Single moms and Jennifer Maggio, author of Overwhelmed, includes info on sexual and physical abuse, unwed pregnancy.

Healthy intimacy in marriage and Sheila Wray Gregoire, author of Honey, I Don’t Have a Headache Tonight and other books.

Abortion recovery and Tiffany Stuart, blogger, Tea with Tiffany.

Overcoming perfectionism and Joan C. Webb, author of The Relief of Imperfection, For Women Who Try Too Hard to Make It Just Right and other books.

This is just a taste of my online radio shows. EnJOY.

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