God Met Me. . .

Hi friends, I’m posting some of your favorite posts during the next weeks while I kinda unplug from social media. You’ll still see bop by my Facebook page and on Twitter but not as much. Why? I need to rest and plan and finish my book. I resume my Super Self Care series next Wednesday. 🙂

God met me. . .at the library.

Twenty-three years old, newly married and out of work, I scanned the library helves for redecorating books. I wanted something, anything, to turn my two-bedroom apartment into a home. Someplace cozy for my husband, Laces (our shy beige kitty), and me. God had another idea. A better idea.

Cradling several books, I stepped toward the 200s feeling jittery, like a high school kid on Red Bull.

Weird. Why am I here?

Flanked by books on religion, I slid out Basic Christianity by John Stott. Simple, direct, basic like the title said. So basic I felt stupid. I looked left, right. No one near me. Good. I stuck it back and grabbed a fat book. An important book. That’s better.

I scanned several pages. Groan.

Back to Basic Christianity and my spirit quickened. A new problem: What would the check-out clerk think? Seriously, BASIC Christianity. She’ll think I’m stupid.

Today, as I look back, I know this moment was holy. God faced the evil one on my behalf. Would God win? Or my foolish pride? The serpent appealed to Eve’s ambition to be like God, would I bow down to pride, fear, self-importance?

You know who won. God. He guided me from the checkout (the clerk didn’t bat an eye) to my little apartment, where I devoured the simple book and invited Jesus to make his home in me. I sensed God’s Spirit in me. A peace and joy I cannot describe replaced my restlessness. When my husband came home, I hugged him big and said, “Guess what I did today, honey?”

Later, I asked to borrow his Bible, a soft cover New Testament that I read over and over and over. God knew I loved books.

So he gave me the best.

QUESTION: Where did you first meet God? Leave a comment, please. Your story matters.

With Joy Overflowing!

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