I used to believe I had life figured out, puffed up and ready for anything. I trusted in my abilities.

Then life happened and I discovered that trusting God is weird.

And God taught me three lessons that has changed me. He can change you too. You can be a joyous, contented person always.

1. Believe God. He is good. He is in control. He loves you because he is love.

2. Believe what he says about you. He says you are valuable and beautiful and significant. You belong to him.

3. Believe that you have an enemy who steals, kills and destroys, and by God’s power, you can fight Satan’s lies and have victory now. Satan is vanquished. Present tense!

Got Purpose?

During these lessons, God also revealed his purpose for my life: to help Christian women find comfort and hope in Jesus, so they could comfort others. I sensed in my heart that God planned to use my speaking, biblical counseling, and writing ministry to effect this purpose. I told God I felt afraid.

Our conversation went like this.

“Lord, I don’t know how to begin.”

“Do not worry, Lucy.  I’ll show you.”

“How will I know it’s you?”

“You will. The Holy Spirit who’s in you will confirm my words. You’ll know.”

“I don’t think I’m ready for this, Lord,” I said. “What if I mess up?”

“Trust me.”

That’s where we left things. God said trust. I sat there, speechless. Then a few hours later, I began doing things my way – again. I looked for a “bread-and-butter” job — in other words, a part-time position to augment my husband’s salary while I began my ministry.

I sent a resume and writing samples to the local paper. Not interested. The bank advertised openings for tellers and I walked over my stuff. No call. I tried a few other things; nothing panned out. When I heard the grade school was hiring lunch ladies, I thought, “Piece of cake.” Wrong, again.

Need Encouragement?

I had another chat with God.

“I thought you wanted me to have a job so I could do ministry, but I can’t even get hired as a lunch lady!” 

“Trust me, Lucy.”

“But what should I be doing?”

He repeated, “Trust me.”

“Okay, trust.  I will trust you, God.”

Trusting God is weird and wondrous. I love it. I hate it. I’m clueless, but – get this – I don’t care!

Since this is a 180-degree spin from how I used to live, when all my ducks had to be in a row, quacking in perfect harmony, I know God changed my heart. I’m clueless without a care because I know the truth: God is good, he’s in control, I’m his child, he says I have value and beauty, and I am forgiven.

This is hope! Real hope!

photo credit: Vvillamon via photopin cc

Hopefully Yours! 



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