Has sexual sin taken you hostage, my sister in Christ? I want you to know there really is freedom. It is among the top issues I counsel biblically

Now this reassurance:

Sexual sin is no worse than any other sin. Adultery / porn use /  transgender issues / same-sex attraction — these are not the “unforgivable” sin. Yet sexual sin can destroy relationships and opens wide the door to anxiety and shame, even addictions. And it grieves the Holy Spirit.

In this article, you’ll discover 3 paths to freedom from sexual sin and to renewal.

  1. Share your story safely.
  2. Have an “escape plan.”
  3. Guard your heart.

1. Share Your Story of Sexual Sin

First, choose a safe person such as a trusted, female Christian friend or a pastor’s wife to share your story of sexual sin.

But what if you don’t have a safe person in your life? Then please contact me or another counselor on the Heart2Heart Counselor Directory at my website. We listen deep and don’t condemn..

And when you share your story, and someone really listens, you will begin to sense hope. Even  shame and fear start to dissipate. Soon you’ll think that you really can change, that you aren’t stuck.

2. Have an Escape Plan

Second, as you share with someone you trust, you’ll also need an escape plan. Wonderfully, God has provided the way of escape. Consider 1 Corinthians 10:13, which is full of hope and promise.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

sexual sin artOn your plan, you may want to include these items:

  • names of trusted godly girlfriends to call when tempted.
  • specific Bible verses to think on.
  • Internet protection like Covenant Eyes.
  • a list of places to go when tempted, such as the gym or coffee shop.

Remember, Jesus was tempted by Satan for 40 days in the desert and didn’t sin. (Temptation itself is not wrong.) Check out Matthew 4:1-11 and see how Jesus responded.

3. Guard Your Heart

Third, guard your heart by daily Bible reading and prayer, and learn to replace the world’s lies with God’s truth.

As you guard what you put in your mind, your heart responds. Your heart is the part of you that thinks, feels, and make choices. It is your spiritual inner person.

So freedom from sexual sin requires a heart set on pleasing God, not self. We act on what we think, and this is why biblical counseling focuses on right thinking as defined by God’s standard, the Bible.

Changing Heart Desires

In counseling women in sexual sin of any kind, I’ve discovered a two-fold process in renewing the mind and changing the desires of the heart.

  • Correcting false beliefs about God.
  • Keeping a Transform Your Thoughts Journal. You can get it here.

Be encouraged: Sexual sin wants to take you hostage but Jesus has a radical love for you, and his radical love changes you. There’s hope.

Counseling Hearts to Hope,



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