sharla-fritzSharla Fritz, the wife of a pastor, homeschooled her kids for fifteen years. The eldest one is married now and has a baby. Her son is in college.

In other words, Sharla has an empty nest.

What’s a 50-something woman to do?

A couple a years ago, as she peered into her future, Sharla didn’t like what she saw. Without the kids and without homeschooling, she felt a lack of significance. Her kids and homeschooling defined her days. Now with them gone, what was God’s purpose for her?

Amazingly, Sharla wrote and found a publisher for her book Divine Design, 40 Days of  Spiritual Makeover. It’s due out in June.

This is NO SMALL FEAT in our crazy economy!

Please join me on my BlogTalkRadio show “The Sisterhood of Beautiful Warriors” on Tuesday, March 2, at 1 p.m. Central, as I interview Sharla on all things empty nesters face, including:

menopause (and mustaches — say it isn’t so!)

caring for elderly parents

and, this is a biggie, readustments in marriage.

Feel  free to call in. The call-in number is 347-850-8893.

Join the chat. Click on “join chat”.

Or just listen.

A little bit about me: I am a biblical counselor, speaker and writer. My three books written in the 1990s sold nearly 200,000 copies. Following in the steps of Sarai/Sarah of the Bible, I now write under Lucy Ann Moll. My previous secular books on eating healthy excluded my middle name. You can find my books on Amazon. I am now writing Beautiful Warrior, You Are Who God Says You Are. . .Even When Life Gets Ugly.


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