As we come to the end of “Becoming the Best Mom Ever” series, let’s get SUPER practical. You now know the “WHAT” and the “WHY,” so here’s HOW to be THE best MOM ever.

If you missed the first five posts in this series you can read them here, here, here and here as well as the super practical post here. The suggestions that follow are my twist on Christian psychologist Kevin Leman’s ideas in Have a New Kid by Friday. For pure Leman, get his book. My version is a softer and kinder, yet espouses an unapologetically authoritarian approach.

Read super practical day one and day two here. Here are the last three days of super practical ideas.

Day 3

The previous day was tough, huh? Say an instruction once, turn your back, and walk away. Did you try it? How did it go? Now it’s time for a breather and reflect on your primary parenting style as well as the parenting style of your spouse (if you are married) or significant other.

Do you tend toward an authoritarian my-way-or-the-highway style or do you tend to let the kids rule? What style does your hubby prefer?

How does your child respond to this parenting style? It it working? If not why not?

How can you adapt your parenting style to be more balanced?

Day 4

Now review the ground rules of becoming the best mom ever:

~Never do for your children what they can and should do for themselves. (In other words, don’t tie your eight-year-old daughter’s Sketchers unless she has significant fine motor delay and cannot do it.)

~Don’t repeat your instructions.

~Expect the best of your child.

~Don’t praise him or her but encourage, encourage and encourage some more. Remember, praise: Praise tries to make a child feel good; encouragement emphasizes the act not the person.


“You look adorable in that skirt” versus “You made wise choices at the store. That skirt looks great on you.”

“Oh, Sam, you’re such a good boy. You got an A in math” versus “Sam, you got an A in math. I know you’ve been working extra hard in that area and that work really paid off.”

Do you see the difference?

Day 5

Here are more super practical tips in becoming the best mom ever.

~ Be consistent in your behavior.

~ Always follow through on what you say you will do.

~ Respond, don’t react. One idea: Count to 10 and ask yourself, “What would my old self do in this situation? What should the new me do?”

~ Do not threaten your kids.

~ When you do get angry, apologize.

~ Do not give any warnings. (If you warn your child, you’re saying, “You’re so stupid, I have to tell you this twice.”)

~ Ask yourself, “Whose problem is this?” (Don’t own what isn’t yours.)

You Can Succeed!

You may think you can’t but you can. Become the best mom ever not for you OR for your child. Determine to become the best mom ever because this is the Lord’s purpose for you. He promises to strengthen, guide, encourage, and comfort you.

Being a mom isn’t for sissies.

That’s for certain.

But you CAN become the best mom ever. God’s got your back.

Question: Which of these ideas will you try this week? Which may be the most difficult for you and why?

Sharing Hope with Your Heart,



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