After a mistake that hurts someone, isn’t it mind boggling that you can have forever forgiveness?

This forever forgiveness is an amazing gift Jesus gives to those who love him.

Jesus says all your mistakes (i.e., your ugly sin) are forgiven — past, present, and future.

Tomorrow’s jealous glance at the neighbor’s shiny Lexus? Forgiven. Next month’s hurtful words? Forgiven.A lie a year from now? Forgiven. Cheating on your taxes in 2023? Forgiven.

Even Future Sins?


When Jesus obeyed his heavenly Father, went to the cross, and died for the sins of the world (John 3:16), every single one of your mistakes was in the future. Long, long before you blossomed to life and snuggled deep in your momma’s womb.

Before you ever thought to swipe the car keys without permission. Or inhale a funny, sweet smelling cigarette. Or read erotica.

What Are the 3 Things to Do?

1. When your ugly is against another person, go to her and ask her (or his) forgiveness.

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Colossians 3:13)

As appropriate, pay for what you broke or lost and otherwise make good. Admit you lied or gossipped or cheated. Yes, this means replacing the cute shoes you wrecked too. And the dark chocolate you snatched without asking.

No worries that you might forget a sin against another person. The Holy Spirit will lovingly point out your grievance and encourage and strengthen you to act in accordance with who you are in Christ.

2. When your ugly is against God — and all sins are against God — genuinely thank Jesus. Thank him for dying in your place so you could have eternal life. (Romans 3:10).

3. Then do a spiritual U-turn. A 180 degree turn. You were headed off the cliff. God helped you think rightly and you’re walking away from sin and toward holiness. Tell Jesus that you were not acting like a child of the Most High God when you messed up big time. Even a little sin stands sequoia high next to our holy God.

One More Thing

God knows. He gets it. He loves you. You are forgiven.

Huge, this cross. Amazing, his sacrifice.

P.S. If you’d like more practical encouragement, pleas sign up for my blog or my newsletter. I care. 

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