photo credit: Loca Luna / Anna Gay via photopin ccWhen guys cheat on their wives, wackos abuse 2 year olds, and church members feel lonely, I sometimes wonder: “Where is God?

Specifically, where is God when you hurt. When I hurt.

Today a friend encouraged me to look at today. Only today.

May I ask, as my friend asked me, How can you worship God today? What blessings has he provided today?

God has given you this day. How will you rejoice and be glad in it?

Even when you hurt. 

Tough Question

When suffering and evil slice into your life —

and they will, you know they will

— you ache for the answer to this question:

If God is good and in control, where is he when you hurt? Theologians have looked at this question every which way. Among them is Randy Alcorn, who wrote If God Is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil (Multnomah, 2009).

Core to this book –and most importantly, the Bible — is the truth of God’s goodness requires belief.

God says He is good. God says He is in control. Do you believe Him? If not why not?

Whose Are You? 

It is not what you do but whose you are that matters.

My mom had a hard life. Her dad left when she was 3, her mom turned to booze, a creepy stepfather slipped into her dark bedroom.

By God’s grace, she survived and thrived, and God said, “Come to Me.”

The day she realized her own need for forgiveness, she became a Christian in her 60s. A proof of her heart change, she finally forgave her own mother, the grandmother whose name I bear: Lucy, light-bringer.

Do you need God too?

Your Action Steps

Choose to believe these three truths:

1. God is good.

2. God is in control.

3. God loves you so so so much. This means YOU ARE LOVABLE!

Why not download my complimentary e-book “5 Amazing Names God Calls You”? Simply sign up to receive my occasional e-newsletter and it’s YOURS. 

photo credit: Loca Luna / Anna Gay via photopin cc

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