Pssst. . .pull up a chair and I’ll tell you a secret. You’d better lean in close for this one.


You don’t have to do more, be more, have more.

So begins a delightful heart-to-heart message titled You’re Already Amazing. Written by Holley Gerth–a blogger, counselor, life coach, speaker, and co-founder of [in]courage)–her book reads like a personal letter with Scripture, poetry, and coaching assignments, like writing your LIFE statement.

Most important, Holley’s message overflows hope.

I feel as though I found a kindred spirit, someone who shares my love for counseling women who need to know the wonderful truth of their identity in Christ. Here’s an example. Holley says our amazing Lord impressed “is” words to share with you. As a child of God, ________________ (fill your name in the blank) is beautiful in Christ, is chosen, is wanted, is called, is valued, is accepted, is enough. . .and more.

Holley intersperses quotes from women who left comments on her blog, Heart to Heart with Holley with words of her blogger friends like Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts.

Another favorite of mine: Holley’s poetry, tucked in here and there. Tell me what you think:

In Case You Ever Wonder

You question. . .

Is who I am okay?

You’re more than okay–you’re His. (Ps. 139:14)

You ask. . .

Do I have what it takes?

You’ve got all you need. (2 Pet. 1:3)

You wonder. . .

Can I do this?

You can do all things. (Phil. 4:13)

So go for it, girl.

Dare to make that difference,

take that step, follow that dream.

God will go with you–

and love will see you through.

So what do you think “You’re Already Amazing”? Please leave a comment. Join the fun.

With Joy Overflowing!

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